The second phase of installation for Collection Point was completed in December. Phase 1 photos are here, and there were earlier blog posts about the project here, here, and here.
Here’s a view of the 8 steel frames being installed, during phase 1. The frames will support 96 precast concrete pieces formed from the lids of City-issued recycling containers. Installation of the frames took less than two days–a testament to the careful planning and orchestration of many parts that had to fit together. Installation of the precast lids also took two days and was accomplished in single-digit air temperatures. The lids are cast in four colors of concrete, and each lid weighs approximately 180 pounds. Here is the completed lid installation. The new Minneapolis East Side Storage and Maintenance Facility, a building three blocks long, is directly beyond, and is to be completed in Spring 2020. This is the place where the recycling, organics, and trash collection vehicles are maintained and will disperse from daily. The lids are positioned to gradually open towards the sky. Entering Collection Point, looking up at the cross-bracing. A precise pattern appears only when directly below, centered within the space. The frames are oriented in the cardinal directions, with the NE frame to receive small colored elements that celebrate the diverse community of Northeast Minneapolis. Stenciled patterns derived from community engagement are visible on the underside of the lids.
And here is a time-lapse video of the phase 2 installation, courtesy of Dave Manthei :