studio objects: water tower

August 28, 2020

This is part of an occasional series about objects that live in my studio.

This is a water tower.  It’s a concept for a water tower that wasn’t selected but is definitely something I’m interested in. And I made it long before Watershed. But I think this would be great. 

So the tank would be painted a certain way, and then you’d have these painted metal panels that hover around them at different levels.  So you’re going to get the interplay of shadows on the tank, you’re going to get light reflecting off the colors that are out here, it’s going to all change throughout the day, light will bounce back in, it’ll be amazing.  That space between the tank and the panels, that shallow space–it’s a simple way, I think, of engaging, of giving life to that. And depending on where you see it, from wherever you are, it always changes. And it’ll be lit at night. I secretly have hopes for this, too, of it eventually coming to life.